The Foundation Liberalitas was founded in the year 2000 in the village Boukoul (the Netherlands) to facilitate the PhD project of Marcoen Cabbolet. At that time, Dr. Sergey Sannikov of the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology in Kharkov (Ukraine) was willing to supervise the project. However, regular channels for a funding of this Dutch-Ukrainian collaboration were completely absent, and the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) was not willing to bend the rules. And rightfully so: a judge confirmed that NWO indeed did not have the possibility to even consider a funding of the project within the given legal structure. The Foundation Liberalitas was thus born out of necessity. And with success: it was the key part in a legal structure that enabled a funding of the "two-country PhD project" by PlusPunt Eindhoven BV (a Dutch non-governmental organization), and in 2001 the research took off. The PhD project was concluded in 2011 at the Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Brussels Free University (Belgium), and all the proposed goals were achieved; click here for a summary of the project.
Further research is currently being facilitated by the Free University of Brussels. The Foundation Liberalitas now continues as a tax-exempt nonprofit organization. As per August 2013 the main mission of the foundation is (i) to maintain a home office for further theoretical work in the new research field that has emerged from the PhD project, and (ii) to maintain a repository, where the output is collected of the PhD research plus the further research, as well as an overview of the publications that arose from the controversy surrounding the PhD research.